Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 4

The fourth day of my Jamboree experience was great because the scouts arrived and now there are tents everywhere. We transformed the city of 10,000 (staffers) to a city of just about 50,000 (staffers, scout leaders and scouts). I have never seen so many charter buses in all my life. There were coming and going all day long. All of the activity centers are open adn the boys started enjoying them. I will tell you about these with each blog post. Today I want to tell you about Mountain Boarding. This is a mix of snowboarding (think board and hill) with skateboarding (think board with wheels) but the tires are big rubber ones and the boys go down a hill. It looks very fun.

Our group spent the day helping iron out the kinks in the computer systems and wireless networks. The main user is the medical team. There are medical stations in each sub-camp staffed by doctors, nurses and paramedics that are volunteers just like me. I met and chatted with a Urologist from Hawaii yesterday and the day before too. He is a very nice man that is a good scouter. Each Jamboree participant has a name tag with a bar code on it. If they go to the medic station they scan the bar code and print out an information sheet. The doctor makes his notes on this paper then it is scanned back into the computer. This information that is scanned in is then available to all of the medical workers in camp. The group I work in helps make sure that this is working at the 20 or so medic stations and other locations throughout camp as well as other computer systems too.

Another day is in the books. Tomorrow starts the fun for the boys and I will let you know more about that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. What a great system to keep track of everyones medical information. Wouldn't that be great if that is how it worked for every one everywhere? Maybe a computer chip in our neck inplace of a badge. Thanks for sharing. I can hardly wait until tomorrow. Sweet dreams Scouter Bob, SLY Rob
