Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 5

Another amazing day. The thing that amazes me the most is that so far every day has been different. We started off the morning with the opening ceremony at Flag Pole Hill (see picture below). After that I did my basic work. One of the calls we went on took us out the the Photo Booth in the National Exhibits area. It is a place where you take a picture in front of a blue screen and then they superimpose a picture there. I was able to get my picture taken while we were there (see picture below). I also went to the Merit Badge Midway and visited the Genealogy Merit Badge and Family Search tent. Interestingly enough, working in the Genealogy Merit Badge was Brother Dale Patterson that used to live in our ward. They live in Vancouver, WA and he said that he knows the Grange's.

After going back to our office we really didn't have a lot to do so we managed to get into the line for the new postage stamp that was just issued today. I was able to get some envelopes with the stamp and the first day of issue cancellation stamp. See a picture of the stamp below.

After dinner I walked over to Sub Camp 6 to see my friend Stan Child. We had a very nice chat as we walked back to my barracks.

Scouts at the Sunday Devotional at Arlington National Cemetery.

The flags at Flag Pole Hill. This is only some of them as all states are represented but also a couple of flags related to our nation.

My photo from the Photo Booth at Jamboree.

The stamp that was released today.

This is your faithful Jamboree reporter signing off now.


  1. Yay for the blogging updates! Thanks so much for keeping such a fun record! It sounds like you are having the TIME OF YOUR LIFE!

  2. How fun to get to tag along on the jamboree via your blog! Keep your eye out for our Bishop, Bishop Ivins and his 2 cute boys. He is having a great time as well!!!!
